Finding the right home or condo is important. I mean this is going to be your home. Your sanctuary to get away from it all after a long day at the job. So it’s a big decision. But part of that decision is also your mortgage. Unless you are in a position to pay all cash for your home, you will need a mortgage.
10 Questions You Should Ask Your Mortgage Lender

And there is a lot that goes into a mortgage. But that is not my role in helping you find your home. Much like when you go to a doctor’s office, there are numerous people there that have a role in your visit. From the person that greets you, to the one that takes your vitals to the doctor him(her)self, everyone has a purpose.
My purpose is to help you find the right home, and get it at the right price. There’s other considerations too, but we’ll keep it simple for this topic. But when you need a mortgage, then you need a mortgage lender. And that person is a specialist in what THEY do! They know the in’s and out’s of getting you the best financing arrangements they can. But just as there are questions and parts to the home buying process I discuss and questions I answer for you, here are 10 questions you should ask your mortgage lender.
If you need help in getting your pre-approval ready to begin your home shopping with me, please check out our team of mortgage lenders. We have worked with these people for years, and know they will do it right for you!