Ansley Above The Park Annual Market Report 2009-2010
It’s time to take a look back at 2010 and see how the year compared to 2009 and sales activity at Ansley Above The Park.

In the past couple years that I have been watching the activity at Ansley Above The Park, there have never been a huge number of sales. I think probably the primary reason is it has happy owners with it’s awesome location just across the street from Piedmont Park. It is an older building and if a unit has not been renovated, it can be quite dated.
In 2009, one 3 Bedroom home sold for $550,000 and two 2 Bedroom homes sold with an Average Sales Price of $330,000.
In 2010, one 1 Bedroom sold for $300,000 and four 2 Bedroom homes sold at an Average Sales Price of $231,212. The dramatic drop in the 2 Bedroom average was caused by two foreclosures that were sold in the $120’s!!
Currently, there are 12 Active Listings in Ansley Above The Park, ranging in price from $120,000 to $374,900. You can learn more about those listing below.