You know what they are. You probably use them is some form or fashion at least once a day. Sidewalks.
A sidewalk is defined by Dictionary.com as, “ a walk, especially a paved one, at the side of a street or road.
So in an urban environment, you’ ve got them everywhere. And they require maintenance. But the $100 question is WHO is responsible for that maintenance.
Sidewalks In Midtown Atlanta
Well, in the City of Atlanta, YOU, the property owner to which that sidewalk abuts to are responsible for that maintenance. Yep. NOT the city of Atlanta, but YOU, the property owner. So, that might explain why some of Atlanta’s sidewalks, and especially in Historic Midtown, are in tough shape. You are probably going to spend $2000-3000 for something INSIDE your home, and not on the sidewalk in front of it!
If you have a sidewalk you traverse on a regular basis, but find it dangerous, say from tree roots or just a state of disrepair, you can contact the City of Atlanta Department of Public Works at 404-330-6240 or e-mail Commissioner Richard Mendoza at rmendoza@atlantaga.gov.
Additionally, Midtown Neighbors’ Association allocates a limited amount of money in the form of a matching grant to assist a homeowner who wants to repair their sidewalk. More information is available here.